2024 SWAT Competition
Registration now open for the 2024 SWAT Competition
Register to attend one of our training courses
2024 Sniper Competition
Limited to 25 2 man teams! Registration now open...

Attention all users!

We have launched our new website as of 11/1/2023. All users will need to create a new account. If you previously had a personal membership, register with the same email address you used on the old site and your membership will continue. If you have a team membership, get with your team administrator to be added. Please be patient while we get everything working on the new site. Any questions, please email info@ttpoa.org.

Our Mission

The mission of the Texas Tactical Police Officer Association (TTPOA) is to provide training. Officers and Agencies decide on how to adapt or adopt it. We provide training for selected skill sets based on proven techniques and best practices.

The burden of policy, application, and proficiency is on the agency and end user.

Save the Date

Annual TTPOA Conference

April | 2025