Course Details
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Red Dot Pistol Instructor Course
01/06/2025 - 01/07/2025
08:00 - 17:00
Brownsville, TX 78521
Region 3
18 of 20 seats taken


The goal for this course is to teach the officer my methodology for learning and teaching the fundamentals of employing the RDS-equipped pistol.

Red Dots on pistols are becoming more popular as options for carry/duty weapons.  Part of mastery is training-here it is!


  • Zeroing your red dot 10 yard zero; 25 yards confirmation.  Ammo selection.
  • Draw and how to stop fishing for the dot.  Why back up irons are necessary?
  • Only use the necessary amount of information required to make an accceptably accurate shot at the speed and distance requried.
  • Red Dots up close.  5 yards and in
  • Red Dots at distance
  • Speed: Efficiency of draw and presentation.
  • Concealed and Open setups.
  • Speed is the economy of motion.
  • Speed is not useless frenetic movement.
  • Micro Drill training method.
  • Dot tracing:  Grip, stance, dot movement, predictability.  Stop over confirming the dot
  • Modes of Practice.
  • How to get better on your own.  Dry fire for skill building.  Live fire for confirmation.
  • Target transitions
  • Shooting on the move
  • Identifying, disgnosing, and fixing common problems with all the aforementioned skill


  • Slide mounted red dot pistol
  • Ability to carry 4 mags (1 in the gun, 3 in pouches/pockets).
  • Good holster of student's choice.  No Serpas.  No old leather holsters
  • 1000 rounds of reliable ammo
  • Eye Pro and Ear Pro
  • Open Mind